Posts Tagged ‘consumerization of IT’

A Follow-Up on BYOD

February 15, 2012

We held a webinar on Avalanche Telicost and how rTEM is becoming a key element in a modern-day MDM solution. One of the questions that popped up centered on “bring your own device” (BYOD) and what it is/what it means to the enterprise. Quite frankly, there is A LOT of buzz going on about it and as such, I wanted to share what I consider a very good, concise breakdown of what it means, and how it correlates to another common MDM buzz-phrase: consumerization of IT.

In particular, check out the section on “IT-ization of the Consumer.” Really good stuff. Hope you check it out! Make sure you check out the newest selection of webinars we just added, by clicking here.

Ford, Bring-Your-Own-Device, and Consumerization of IT

September 1, 2011

We’ve been hearing a lot of talk about bring-your-own-device strategies (BYOD) and the ongoing process of consumerization of IT, but I found a good write-up/interview with Ford’s senior network engineer about the company’s plan to introduce more than 70,000 individual and corporate-liable devices. This is the second part of the interview, but you can access both from the link. It’s got a lot of really compelling information on the inherent issues of BYOD and IT consumerization. Check it out and share your thoughts with us in the comments, or on our Facebook or Twitter pages.