Posts Tagged ‘Warehouse IQ’

The Warehouse’s Biggest Helper: Victor – Oscar – India – Charlie – Echo

March 13, 2012

Last week, Multichannel Merchant had a great article that focused on how to improve warehouse productivity. He had nine tips for doing so ranging from creating a picking path to listening to employee feedback.

We’d like to add a tenth – using your voice.

Voice picking isn’t new to the warehouse. In fact, our voice picking product, Speakeasy, has been around for years, but just within the last couple of years companies have really started to implement it and see huge returns.

Take Goya Foods for example. They have been using Speakeasy in their Prince George facility. Within the first few months of using Speakeasy, they noticed improvement in three areas – accuracy, efficiency, and safety. Like Goya, most companies see the following:


Mispicks can lead to significant expenses, costing most companies anywhere from $5 – $50 per error. With that in mind, you can see how the savings quickly add up.  (To see for yourself, contact us for a copy of our Speakeasy ROI Calculator)


On average, pick teams will complete their tasks much faster than before. With voice, pick teams move from sequence to sequence in rapid time.


With voice commands, pickers move from point to point more safely. This makes plant managers much more at ease.

Another thing to point out is that management costs of Speakeasy are minimal because the product is advanced enough that pickers don’t need to go through technical training to calibrate it for their own use.

Not to mention it is really easy to use, as our own Greg Berger demonstrates for Warehouse IQ at ProMat last year.


Speakeasy Video and ProMat 2011

March 23, 2011

We’re on the road again this week in Chicago attending ProMat 2011. During show hours on Monday, the folks from Warehouse IQ stopped by and filmed our very own Greg Berger demonstrating Speakeasy. We’ve posted it below as well as a few pictures from the show. If you’re at the show, stop by and see it for yourself!

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