Posts Tagged ‘Ferrari’

An Update to the Ferrari Barcode “Scandal”

May 7, 2010

As you likely saw (and see right under these here words, in the post below), there was a bit of scandal around the Ferrari F1 team and whether they were using subliminal advertising in barcode images.

Well, our good friends at Zebra Technologies sent out a follow-up on the issue this morning. Good thing, since we had completely missed the article!  So, what was Ferrari’s response? You’ll have to click here to find out.

Happy Friday everyone, and to all the mothers out there, we extend you a very lovely Mothers Day weekend!

Ferrari’s, Marlboro, Subliminal Advertising and… Barcodes!?

May 3, 2010

Ducati motorcycle with barcode-like image; courtesy of

Not a list of items you would normally come across, I know. But apparently, according to this article, there has been a bit of an uproar on the potential use of barcode images that look like a pack of Marlboro cigarettes on Ferrari F1 cars.

Of course, whether it does actually look like a pack of Marlboro’s is being contested between European anti-tobacco groups and the Ferrari/Marlboro side. On our side of things, what’s most interesting is that if you check out the GoMo link, they mention that the barcode is so realistic, that barcode software actually tries to interpret it! Art imitates life?