Posts Tagged ‘enterprise mobility management’

How Seriously Are Your Employees Taking Smartphone Security?

September 22, 2011

A team member from our Seattle office shared this link about a recent study that might raise some eyebrows for any company utilizing smartphones. The first paragraph summarizes nicely;

Nearly 40 percent of smartphone users say they’re worried about security, including harmful apps, malicious emails and having their locations tracked and activities monitored. But 82 percent of them are not using security apps for their cellphones.

Let that sink in for a minute. Think about what corporate information is available on those phones. How many of your employee’s are using their smartphones to access work tasks, such as email? What would happen if that information ever got into the hands of someone it’s not supposed to?

It’s just another example of what IT professionals are dealing with these days, amidst the proliferation of mobile devices in the enterprise. Further, if you’re interested in the subject of smartphone management, check out our upcoming webinar that should prove pretty insightful on smartphone management, monitoring and securing.



iPad and Tablet MDM – A Growing Trend

July 12, 2011

Many of you saw today’s announcement about our Partnership with iPad Enclosures, a leading provider in secure, customized tablet kiosks.

Mobility is expanding, and the growing adoption of tablets in the retail, hospitality and healthcare is a perfect example of this, and we’re very excited about the Partnership. There’s a good chance many of our readers have, recently, had an experience in any of the aforementioned industries, that at some point involved an associate filling an order, checking inventory, completing a reservation, etc. on a iPad or other tablet device. iPad Enclosures customer profiles suggests as much.

We’d be curious to hear any feedback on new areas you’ve recently seen iPads/tablets used. Perhaps a recent trip to the local clinic? Last Sunday’s drive to the home improvement store? Feel free to share in the comments section, on Facebook, or via Twitter.

Apple WWDC – Wavelink on the Road

June 8, 2011

Greetings! As most of the world knows, Apple’s WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference) is this week in San Francisco. This is probably news to only a few, since Twitter and the rest of the blogosphere were going crazy with things like the announcement of iCloud earlier this week.

If you missed out on any of the news, Gizmodo and Twitter (search hashtag #WWDC) have plenty of the recaps. From the mobile device spectrum, our own Martin Brewer is in attendance and he snapped a few pictures to share. We’ll try to get a recap of the event, and some interesting things he learned, up sometime soon but in the meantime check out the pictures.


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Mobility Trends That Will Change Business

May 5, 2011

I came across this article thanks to the Enterprise Mobility Forums Twitter feed, and wanted to share it with you all. The article comes from InformationWeek, and discusses a few interesting topics that are very applicable to our space. There are a couple of things it highlights that I’d like to point out, and urge you to read the rest and tell us what jumps out at you. Onto the article…

First, that with the emergence of enterprise-level smartphone use, it’s becoming increasingly important for an enterprises strategy to incorporate a vender agnostic approach.

“An important outcome of this trend is that a majority of the workforce, not just the top executives, will have mobile access and will expect access to more than email. This will require businesses to change their application, development, and services strategies…”

The other item that I found particularly well put, was the summary/idea of enterprise mobility management. The author has done a great job in defining it as the next generation of mobile device management; one that incorporates new mobility and traditional aspects of MDM such as security and application management.

“[Enterprise Mobility Management] is a combination of mobile device management, security management, applications management, and services and expense management.”

Check out the complete article and tell us what you think!